Checklist: |  | Every single card has a reverse holo-foil version (even the holographic cards.) This is exactly the same card (with the same number) but a holo-foil version. Some cards have the picture in holo-foil, some have everything but the picture in holo-foil., This means that there are non holographic versions of the the cards named as holographic cards that appear at the top of the checklist., So just because a card is holo-foil doesn't necessarily mean it's rare. The holo-foil version is slightly rarer than it's normal version but if it's listed as a common card, it is still common despite it being a holo-foil card., 1 - Banette - (Rare Holofoil), 2 - Blastoise 'Delta' - (Rare Holofoil), 3 - Camerupt - (Rare Holofoil), 4 - Charizard 'Delta' - (Rare Holofoil), 5 - Dugtrio - (Rare Holofoil), 6 - Ludicolo 'Delta' - (Rare Holofoil), 7 - Luvdisc - (Rare Holofoil), 8 - Manectric - (Rare Holofoil), 9 - Mawile - (Rare Holofoil), 10 - Sableye - (Rare Holofoil), 11 - Swalot - (Rare Holofoil), 12 - Tauros - (Rare Holofoil), 13 - Wigglytuff - (Rare Holofoil), 14 - Blastoise - (Rare), 15 - Cacturne 'Delta' - (Rare), 16 - Combusken - (Rare), 17 - Dusclops - (Rare), 18 - Fearow 'Delta' - (Rare), 19 - Grovyle 'Delta' - (Rare), 20 - Grumpig - (Rare), 21 - Igglybuff - (Rare), 22 - Kingler 'Delta' - (Rare), 23 - Loudred - (Rare), 24 - Marshtomp - (Rare), 25 - Medicham - (Rare), 26 - Pelipper 'Delta' - (Rare), 27 - Swampert - (Rare), 28 - Venusaur - (Rare), 29 - Charmeleon - (Uncommon), 30 - Charmeleon 'Delta' - (Uncommon), 31 - Combusken - (Uncommon), 32 - Grovyle - (Uncommon), 33 - Gulpin - (Uncommon), 34 - Ivysaur - (Uncommon), 35 - Ivysaur - (Uncommon), 36 - Lairon - (Uncommon), 37 - Lombre - (Uncommon), 38 - Marshtomp - (Uncommon), 39 - Nuzleaf - (Uncommon), 40 - Shuppet - (Uncommon), 41 - Skitty - (Uncommon), 42 - Wartortle - (Uncommon), 43 - Wartortle - (Uncommon), 44 - Aron - (Common), 45 - Bulbasaur - (Common), 46 - Bulbasaur - (Common), 47 - Cacnea - (Common), 48 - Charmander - (Common), 49 - Charmander 'Delta' - (Common), 50 - Diglett - (Common), 51 - Duskull - (Common), 52 - Electrike - (Common), 53 - Jigglypuff - (Common), 54 - Krabby - (Common), 55 - Lotad - (Common), 56 - Meditite - (Common), 57 - Mudkip - (Common), 58 - Mudkip - (Common), 59 - Numel - (Common), 60 - Seedot - (Common), 61 - Spearow - (Common), 62 - Spoink - (Common), 63 - Squirtle - (Common), 64 - Squirtle - (Common), 65 - Torchic - (Common), 66 - Torchic - (Common), 67 - Treecko - (Common), 68 - Treecko 'Delta' - (Common), 69 - Whismur - (Common), 70 - Wingull - (Common), 71 - Bill's Maintenance - (Uncommon), 72 - Castaway - (Uncommon), 73 - Celio's Network - (Uncommon), 74 - Cessation Crystal - (Uncommon), 75 - Crystal Beach - (Uncommon), 76 - Crystal Shard - (Uncommon), 77 - Double Full Heal - (Uncommon), 78 - Dual Ball - (Uncommon), 79 - Holon Circle - (Uncommon), 80 - Memory Berry - (Uncommon), 81 - Mysterious Shard - (Uncommon), 82 - Poké Ball - (Uncommon), 83 - PokéNav - (Uncommon), 84 - Warp Point - (Uncommon), 85 - Windstorm - (Uncommon), 86 - Energy Search - (Common), 87 - Potion - (Common), 88 - Double Rainbow Energy - (Rare), 89 - Aggron ex - (Rare Holofoil EX), 90 - Blaziken ex - (Rare Holofoil EX), 91 - Delcatty ex - (Rare Holofoil EX), 92 - Exploud ex - (Rare Holofoil EX), 93 - Groudon ex - (Rare Holofoil EX), 94 - Jirachi ex - (Rare Holofoil EX), 95 - Kyogre ex - (Rare Holofoil EX), 96 - Sceptile ex 'Delta' - (Rare Holofoil EX), 97 - Shiftry ex - (Rare Holofoil EX), 98 - Swampert ex - (Rare Holofoil EX), 99 - Alakazam ? - (Rare Holofoil), 100 - Celebi ? - (Rare Holofoil) |